Content designer
To the point.
I'm a Content designer, a UX writer, a daughter, a sister, a wife.
As most Content designers and UX writers I know, I didn't know this was where I would land. Like many of us, I trodded through copywriting, proofreading and translations before finding this cozy corner I now call home—and what a lovely home it is!
I solve problems. I deconstruct complex concepts and make them easy to understand. This is what I love to do.
Some samples of my work
Why writing great content gives me a buzz
"I just took a quick look and I'm already lost for words with how you managed to say so much in such a simple way - wow!" — Product designer
"Thank you so much for the excellent work, the concepts are much clearer now." — Product manager
"That's much clearer and simpler, thank you!" — Product designer